1.5 million Program: Trainees Enjoy and Appreciate the Skills Training with Both Theory and Practical Application at the same time


Phnom Penh: Trainees currently enrolling in the "Vocational and Technical Skills Training Program" have expressed their satisfaction with the government's training program because the instructors were highly attentive and instilled in students, helping them to learn quickly. Additionally, the modern technical equipment provided by the schools allowed students to immediately apply what they learned in practical settings.

Miss Sao Yareth, a graphic design trainee at the Preah Kosomak Polytechnic Institute (PPI), expressed her delight in studying in such a good environment where instructors are highly attentive to students and she praised the school for being well-equipped with modern technical tools, which provide students with both theoretical and practical knowledge simultaneously.

She stated, “The hands-on teaching is like starting from zero for me, but the teachers explain step by step carefully, making sure that students can catch up and not be afraid to ask questions. Moreover, teachers explain the theories before handing on the practice, helping them to us quickly."

Similarly, Ms. Kong Sipha, a baking trainee at the National Institute of Entrepreneurship and Innovation (NIEI), mentioned that she initially thought that free training might not be as effective. However, through her experience, she realized that she could grasp and understand the course quickly. The learning environment is comfortable, and the school is well-equipped with sufficient modern tools for practical application.

She said, "The hands-on learning is excellent because the teachers teach well, and the students are also dedicated to learning. The equipment is sufficient, and hygiene in the learning environment is good. The combination of theory and practice helps students to learn quickly."

Furthermore, both trainees called on other citizens, especially those without specific skills, such as poor and vulnerable families to enroll in technical skills training programs. The training is open to all ages, free of charge, and includes additional financial support.

According to a report from the Ministry of Labor and Vocational Training, students and trainees are currently studying in the vocational and technical training programs, including 1.5 Million programs and general programs, in a total of 74,873 students.