The Minister of Labor visits and lunches with over 6,000 factory workers at the Taral Factory


On July 25, 2024, His Excellency Heng Sour, Minister of Labor and Vocational Training, inspected the working conditions of workers at Taral factory and had lunch with more than 6,000 workers at Taral factory in Kong Pisey district, Kampong Speu Province. The event was also attended by His Excellency Cheam Chansophoan, Governor of Kampong Speu, along with several leaders.

During the visit, the workers were pleased and delighted with the presence of the Ministry and provincial leaders who came to the factory site. This visit made the workers feel even more appreciated and demonstrated the leaders' attentive care and concern for them.

This factory inspection and lunch with workers is not the first time His Excellency Heng Sour, the Minister of Labor and Vocational Training and a commanding officer of the Royal Government, has done this. He conducted the visit to understand the well-being and progress in the sector, reflecting the care and attention of the Prime Minister and Samdech Akka Moha Sena Padei Techo Hun Sen, President of the Senate and former Prime Minister.

It should be noted that His Excellency's current inspection aims to monitor and implement the six strategies set by the Prime Minister at the beginning of the previous mandate. These include the 2024 worker’s wage, continued provision of health check-ups for pregnant workers, health care for NSSF members through voluntary contributions, etc. All of these policies demonstrate the royal government's dedicated commitment to continuously providing additional benefits to workers.